Maillefer Consultation

maillefer-header-consultationNewly defined Maillefer Consultation best expresses our tradition of bringing know-how to the end users and the owners of our equipment.

You may be familiar with some examples where we already provide consultation on degassing, insulation material handling, insulation processing, or outer sheathing. Here we put forward our time and our efforts. The idea with Maillefer Consultation is to place the accent on providing production knowledge, know-how and tools more than focusing on shipping machines and parts.

Fast lane to deep process expertise

Maillefer Consultation calls on the expertise from any area within our company, whether it is found in our classic service function or in another specialty. Initiatives include R&D partnerships, developing factory joint technology, and many others soon to come. You get essentially pure know-how to improve your production process based on your actual needs. Maillefer Consultation is the fast lane to global best practices to maximize the value of your technology in real production circumstances.

Ready for you

Other existing products that already fall into the Maillefer Consultation category include:

Empower staff with knowledge useful in their daily tasks. Maillefer Services brings know-how to you so that your people can get the needed tools to best do their job on our equipment. The training courses are given at Maillefer or at your location, and include a mix of theoretical and practical training.

Process Survey
Understand more about your process capability by seeking our opinion and assistance in making an evaluation. We focus on your improvement needs for quality and productivity.

Line Performance Review
Reveal more about your production line’s possibilities with the help of our experts and evaluation. Here the focus is on improvement needs for OEE and material savings. It consists of systematic observations and detailed interviews during start-up, production and shut down.

Technology Services
A comprehensive set of services, which provides know-how transfer, consultation from specialists, and assistance during production.

Line Equipment Assessment
We focus on conditions from a maintenance point of view. The structured assessment consists of systematic observations of production equipment and detailed interviews of personnel.

Technical Inspection
We look at the equipment with a focus on its technical condition. Observations and detailed measurements are made on the components previously agreed upon. Condition and functionality checks are included.

Get on board!

A growing number of Maillefer Consultation products are on their way, like the initiatives described above. You too can get on board with a solution tailored to your requirements, competencies and goals. We will be happy to organize the kind of value that counts the most.

Harry Excell
Sales Manager, Maillefer Services

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