Much has happened over the past three years. However, one thing hasn’t changed. K 2022 is soon here. Make arrangements now to join us on stand 16 A43!
Maillefer will be exhibiting with Davis-Standard at K 2022. Starting October 19th, you will find the duo at the eight-day long event in Düsseldorf, Germany on booth 16 A43.
The co-designed booth underscores the headway made in the extrusion industry since the last edition of K. Indeed, bringing value, technology and sustainability to customers are our top goals. Our stand will house innovations across a variety of extrusion applications. We are eager to finally share news on progress with partners and friends at what promises to be an exceptional event.

Make your reservation with us now. Book a meeting to include you and your team. We'll be happy to confirm the schedule and send you the needed vouchers to make the rendez-vous happen!
André Gosselin
Marketing Manager, Pipe & Tube Business