Cinegran Blows the Whistle on Irregular Material Flow


Strategically placed

The Cinegran is strategically positioned just under the extruder hopper. It functions by analyzing the behavior of granules as they move down the feed column. Irregularities include breaks in material supply, a blockage or throughput variations. The Cinegran immediately detects the event and initiates a warning. The operator has enough time to act before the detected anomaly is fed into the extruder.

Ideal for multilayer & tight tolerances

Thanks to its unique detection capability, the Cinegran is particularly well suited for multilayer applications. Each layer, be it thick or thin, works in combination with the other layers to define the dimensions of the finished product. The ability to monitor flow for each layer helps ensure optimum product quality.

By employing the optional feedback to regulate extruder RPM, the operator can make product within tighter tolerances. During our trials using a TPE compound, we were able to extrude down to an average 1.5% above minimum specifications with regulation, whereas without it we were at 4.3%. In our case, the potential material savings translated to 25 tons of TPE per year.

Hardly know it's there

The Cinegran is discrete. It has a simple and compact design. It requires no particular intervention. Measurements begin instantly upon the extruder’s start. The interface is improved, even the set-up operations are made easy, allowing for fast deployment. The required maintenance is reduced to a minimum for all the new models, including the Cinegran G model with the combined gravimetric feature.

Yves Zweifel, R&D Manager

Topics: Uppgrade solutions, Product quality, Production cost, Novelties & Launches, Wire & cable manufacturing, Innovation, Pipe & tube manufacturing

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