A New Dynamic R&D Platform Offers Success

It has been six years since we began promoting activities in our R&D Center, where we continue our main goal of creating a dynamic development platform for different W&C applications.

Since then, we have welcomed hundreds of customers coming from all branches of the Wire & Cable industry. We have also heavily invested into the laboratory facilities to help make those visits most productive.

A New Dynamic R&D Platform Offers Success

The R&D Center is open for our customers, material suppliers and other stakeholders who want to explore the manufacturing limits in a real production environment. Development projects move quicker when one can test the production limits and make an analysis immediately afterwards. The R&D cycle is significantly accelerated. We have observed that offering both efficient test and measurement resources creates a spiral of innovation and success. Therefore, we have decided to expand our R&D Center and offer new areas of exploration.

New R&D platform

Application areas for R&D collaboration:

  • The unique vertical pilot line for HV and EHV cables with inline dosing capabilities
  • High speed buffering line with artificial intelligence based process control
  • Test platform for manufacturing flexible factory joints (both AC and DC) up to 525 kV
  • Extruder laboratory (60 mm, 80 mm, 120 mm)
  • LV jacketing line with taping accessories
  • State of the art laboratory for analyzing the test runs.

Together towards innovation

Collaboration helps reduce the costs associated with innovation by removing research and development from its traditional isolated silos. Working in collaboration with partners from the supply chain allows an organization to leverage shared resources and to drive innovation forward. The financial risk associated with such projects is shared by multiple parties. Simultaneously, the quality and quantity aspects of collaborative innovation mentioned above have the potential to create higher top-line revenue performance.

Mikko Lahti

Director, R&D

Topics: R&D, Maillefer, Performance, Value Corner, Wire & cable manufacturing, Innovation

Ready With the Next Generation EKP

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In order to best serve our existing and future customers in the telecom field, we have prepared a new generation EKP for launch during fall 2019.

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Access to Innovation at Its Source

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What entrepreneur can afford to ignore input for fresh ideas and innovation? Universities, technical institutes, young start-ups, professional ...

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Maillefer on Booth 709 at IWCS 2015

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IWCS is an important venue for the cable and connectivity industry and we are proud to join the Suppliers’ Exhibition. R&D Director Dr. Mikko ...

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