Capacity with a Plus

PlusValuePackageHave you ever been in a situation where you had to turn down a customer order because of lack of capacity?

Isn’t it frustrating when the lead time for a new investment appears long compared to an opportunity that is short-lived, especially when the competition is there? A successful investment is not only about having the right equipment in place. Today, more than ever, it is also a matter of timing and the ease of production start-up. Our new Plus Value Package overcomes these challenges.

Plug-and-Play capacity for quick movers 

The new Plus Value Package allows you to take an order or participate in a tender even when you don’t yet have capacity installed. We can deliver, install and start up a manufacturing line when you need it – just in time. We want to off er a choice that enables a fast reaction to market needs and off ers guarantees on your return-on-investment in highly competitive situations.

A complete concept; it’s all about delivering value

When the lead time from order to production start is of crucial importance, the Plus Value Package is the answer. The delivery process does not only include line hardware with a short delivery time; but installation and commissioning are part of the package.

Our pre-engineered packages enable us to cut the lead time in half compared to the industry’s standard for fast delivery, fast installation and fast commissioning. And there are no compromises in product quality.

Fiber optic cable manufacturing

One field where opportunities arise quickly is fi ber optic cable manufacturing. Big tenders on the horizon might seem unreachable for the manufacturer who lacks capacity to participate. Expect the first Plus Value Package to be available for this application. Fiber optic cable manufacturers now have the means for getting on the fast track to success. So when the opportunity does arise, you’ll know where to turn to for capacity with a plus!

Jari Nykänen
Product Manager, Fiber Optic Cable Solutions

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