New Tools for the Digital Future II

Data gathering, monitoring, and handling are a clear trend and need in the process industry.

It is the way to truly know what is happening in real-time, in an overall production environment, and to have all the background data stored for future use. Maillefer is offering novel products for our customers to stay on top of the information chain. They include easy-to-access systems to support and sustain the production of a line and beyond, up to the factory level.

Web-enabled documentation with MED 3.0

With our web-enabled MED 3.0 (Maillefer e-Documentation), Internet access and a key are all that is needed. With each customer, the project comes a specific set of technical descriptions and illustrations. Ease in navigation, searching, and connecting to related information are possible within MED.

MED serves various user interests, such as installation and maintenance servicing, equipment operation, training staff, as well as spare part requests. Customers receive an introduction to MED when participating in our education programs in order to use the tool to its fullest.



The package operates in two modes. A Documentation mode that covers all the technical descriptions and drawings related to the project, and a Spare Parts mode that offers access to individual parts for easy identification. Users can move between methods using the specific information at hand (e.g., a part found in a drawing shown can be directly added to the spare parts request.) The Spare Part requests coming from MED are treated with priority, and they will be processed faster due to their inherent accuracy and exact reflection of a customer’s need

MED 3.0 is a multi-platform tool that can be used on the most common handheld devices or desktop computers to choose the best way to make your line information genuinely accessible.

One group, more robust innovations

Maillefer, as part of the Davis-Standard Group, is also deeply involved in an R&D project dedicated to developing common digitalization tools such as DSActivCheck, a cloud-based analysis application, and tying it together with Smart factory and MED concepts. These latest innovations are providing the experience towards your digital future!

Roger Möller, VP Services

Topics: Performance solutions, Support Services, Maillefer, Digitalization, Innovation, customer, application, monitoring

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