For more than 50 years, Maillefer has delivered, commissioned, and provided machinery and services for over 4 000 production lines globally. Today we offer the accumulated knowledge and experience through various Consultation services.
One of the Consultation products is Performance Review Services. It is available thanks to our users who have allowed us to develop the production processes, provide innovative solutions, and improve maintenance practices over time. Today we offer Consultation services to all our Wire & Cables and Pipe & Tube customers.
What do we offer
Performance Review Services is the right tool to find out the bottlenecks and improvement potential in your production lines. Based on a comprehensive study and detailed analysis of the current situation, we provide a detailed action plan on how to improve and establish the best performance and to reach your targets. Here are the four different product offerings within this family of services:
1. Line Equipment Assessment (LEA) focuses on maintenance and availability
2. Technical Inspection (TI) targets equipment condition and reliability
3. Process Survey (PS) looks at the process and product quality
4. Line Performance Review (LPR) evaluates the equipment and process performance.
Your Benefits
The immediate effects with this combination of services include:
- A better understanding of the actual situation and how to improve it
- Increased productivity after implementation of agreed actions
- Savings in material and resource usage
- Technical understanding of the line condition and its needs for upgrading and maintenance.
Today global companies are making strategic moves concerning factories with their individual product offerings and capacities. In many cases, certain sites specialize in specific cable types. This may result in an increased need for capacity, which then requires a balancing of equipment between their global locations. In these kinds of situations, when you need to understand the limitations and opportunities of your existing lines, the Performance Review Services offers you the decisive answers.
The team from Maillefer and Prysmian inspecting the site
Recent Market Example
The Prysmian Group, the world’s largest company providing Wire & Cable solutions to customers around the globe, saw the need to move capacity from one factory to another inside Spain. Prysmian’s technology leader, Carlalberto Ferrari, contacted us to help him plan and determine resources for this challenging line move. The co-operation worked smoothly and after a few weeks of preparation on both sides, it was time for a site inspection. The aim was to check the true condition of the line and to confirm the required technology and parts for the move. Only then could the real work begin.
Mr. Ferrari gives us an update in the midst of the installation, “The work with Maillefer has been going very well… they have really supported us with valuable knowledge and information that is needed when you plan to move production lines”.
Like Prysmian, you may be considering a series of upgrades or for an important shift in line capacity. What are your plans? Contact Maillefer Services for a tailor-made support package that fits your needs.
Roger Möller
Vice President Services