Blog - Maillefer

Growing Undersea Infrastructure Redefines Quality Requirements

Jul 26, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Since the early times of extruded high voltage subsea XLPE insulated cables, it has been mandatory to develop reliable in-house solutions for jointing either XLPE or lead extrusion lengths. The manufacturing lengths are connected by so called Factory Vulcanized Joints (FVJ). The factory joints make it possible to proceed with the application of subsequent cable layers in processes not sensitive to restarts after a break.

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New NCC Module Shortens Degassing Times

Jul 6, 2017 12:00:00 AM

New function in the Curing Calculation Program NCC for calculating optimum degassing times.

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New Three-layer Crosshead

Jan 4, 2017 12:00:00 AM

Our new three-layer crosshead THX 100/180 LR is now available for high and extra high voltage cable insulations. Optimized bi-flow distributors enable accurate wall thickness, centricity and roundness of the cable. Short residence times, streamlined flow channels and efficient water tempering allows long production lengths, and smooth layer surfaces. Centering of all layers can be adjusted independently. Distributors and bodies are made of nitrided steel to ensure continuity in production for many years.

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Digitalization – New Opportunities

Nov 23, 2016 12:00:00 AM

We live in an information age where large volumes of data are continuously generated by human activity, scientific processes, and adoption of new technologies. Distilling the knowledge contained in such data has the potential to transform science, technology, and business. It will revolutionize how the manufacturing processes are organized and how they function. To fulfill the potential, data science builds on techniques and theories from many fields, including mathematics, statistical learning, machine learning, data engineering, decision analytics, signal processing, visualization, and high performance computing.

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Heavy Wall Innovations

Oct 19, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Triple-layer cost advantage

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Maillefer at IWCS 2016 – Production efficiency – the only way to success!

Oct 14, 2016 12:00:00 AM

At the Inernational Cable and Connectivity Symposium 2016 this October, we presented new limits for ultra-high speed buffering. The global demand for fiber optic cables is increasing at an ever growing rate. During the past 10 years the average yearly global growth has been 17 % and it is projected to keep increasing. At the same time the market has seen very tight competition between the margins. The key to this problem is in increasing the efficiency of cable manufacturing lines.

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Arili Explores the Micro-drip Frontier from Turkey

Sep 28, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Mention the Arili name in Turkey and people think irrigation products in agriculture. Indeed, the company has been serving local customers for nearly 45 years. They gained world class recognition with the arrival of Pipelife in 1989. Today, Arili is a full member of the privately owned Austrian group.

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Maillefer Consultation

Jul 13, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Newly defined Maillefer Consultation best expresses our tradition of bringing know-how to the end users and the owners of our equipment.

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Competence that Counts with Maillefer Consultation

Jul 6, 2016 12:00:00 AM

What’s to be expected from today’s extrusion manufacturing provider when investing in production capacity or when looking to improve performance ?

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The Key to Excellent Cable Core Roundness

Jun 1, 2016 12:00:00 AM

Quality control and meeting the product specifications are very important in power cable production. We offer a new method for reliable and error free measurement of cable core roundness and concentricity of medium, high and extra high voltage cable cores. It is our new Cable Roundness Meter CRM 180.

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